Bédard, Steve Researcher


Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière

Steve Bédard is a researcher in silviculture at the Ministère des Forêts de la Faune et des Parcs since 1998.  His research focuses on understanding temperate forests stand dynamics to develop adapted silvicultural systems promoting forest productivity and resilience. Current projects include studying stand development in multi-aged and regular stands. He is particularly interested in how stand structure affects tree growth as well as stand production and regeneration. He is also involved in the evaluation and development of tree classification systems to estimate stem vigor and potential for lumber production. His primary objective is to develop tools to guide forest managers in their choice of silvicultural investments. Steve is also associate professor in forestry at Laval University since 2017.

M. Sc. en sciences forestières 1998 (Université Laval)

B. Sc. A. Aménagement des ressources forestières 1992 (Université Laval)