Raymond, Patricia Researcher


Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière

Patricia is a forest engineer and a research scientist working at the Direction de la recherche forestière since 2002. She is passionate about forest ecology and applied silviculture, and she’s particularly interested in the mixedwood temperate forest, in which she investigates regeneration methods compatible with ecosystem management and adaptation measures for global changes. She is the initiator of the DREAM project in Québec and is the lead of this project at MFFPQ. She looks after the development and the coordination of the whole DREAM-QC project, in addition to supervising professional and graduate student resources.

Ph.D. en sciences forestières 2004 (Université Laval)

M.Sc. en sciences forestières 1998 (Université Laval)

B.Sc.A. Aménagement et environnement forestiers 1995 (Université Laval)