All news from DREAM
DREAM is hiring - Master's or PhD opportunity !
M.Sc. or Ph.D. – Performance of Different Provenances at Montmorency Forest (ULAVAL)
DREAM is hiring - Master's or PhD opportunity !
M.Sc. or Ph.D. – Effects of Plantations on Forest Floor Wildlife (Amphibians and Insects) (ULAVAL)
DREAM is hiring - Master's or PhD opportunity !
Discover two M.Sc. or Ph.D. projects in forest assisted migration (UQAC)
The DREAM network at the UQAC sustainable development conference and the first meeting of the DREAM 2.0 team
The DREAM network participated in the first edition of the conference that took place from October 16 to 18. The DREAM 2.0 team took the opportunity…
Two new DREAM papers published
Two new papers by members of the DREAM network have recently been published.
A text about assisted migration in The Conversation
A text about assisted migration by Claudio Mura, Patricia Raymond and Sergio Rossi was recently published in The Conversation.
An assisted migration symposium at Carrefour Forêts 2023
An assisted migration symposium took place on Wednesday April 26 as part of Carrefour Forêts 2023. The event was organised by Patricia Raymond in…
Patricia Raymond gives a talk at the OIFQ symposium
Patricia Raymond recently did a talk on assisted migration at the "Adaptation de nos pratiques aux changements globaux : applications terrain"…
Publication of the DREAM Winter 2023 Newsletter
A second DREAM newsletter has now been sent to all its subscribers.
A review by DREAMers highlighted by the USDA Forest Service
Work by DREAMers and a colleague from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology is the subject of a Northern Research Station Highlight from…