An assisted migration symposium at Carrefour Forêts 2023

An assisted migration symposium took place on Wednesday April 26 as part of Carrefour Forêts 2023. The event was organised by Patricia Raymond in collaboration with Daniel Dumais, Emilie Champagne, Julie Godbout, and Catherine Périé.

An assisted migration symposium took place on Wednesday April 26 as part of Carrefour Forêts 2023. The event was organised by Patricia Raymond in collaboration with Daniel Dumais, Emilie Champagne, Julie Godbout, and Catherine Périé. Entitled "The Challenges of Implementing Assisted Migration as a Forest Adaptation Measure in the Face of Climate Change", the symposium took stock of current knowledge as well as the opportunities, challenges and knowledge needs for implementation of assisted migration.

Several DREAM collaborators gave conferences (Alejandro Royo, Daniel Dumais, Sergio Rossi, Catherine Périé, Sylvie Carles, Fabienne Colas and Felipe Moreira) or flash presentations (Claudio Mura, Roberto Silvestro, William Devos and Anne Ola) and Patricia Raymond was responsible of the animation as well as a guided discussion.

It is possible to watch a recording of the symposium on the Carrefour Forêts event platform until July 3 for those who were registered for the event.