Researchers of DREAM-Qc present at Rendez-vous de la connaissance

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On November 16th, Patricia Raymond and Emilie Champagne presented results from the first DREAM-QC experiment at the Rendez-vous de la connaissance en aménagement forestier durable, a seminar hosted by Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs.

On November 16th, Patricia Raymond and Emilie Champagne presented results from the first DREAM-QC experiment at the Rendez-vous de la connaissance en aménagement forestier durable, a seminar hosted by Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. Patricia presented preliminary data on the establishment of the planted seedlings and Emilie summarize the finding of her postdoctoral project on the susceptibility to herbivores. The Rendez-vous de la connaissance are virtual activities of knowledge transfer, free and accessible to everyone, organized in collaboration with Québec’s university network. The Rendez-vous calendar and a recording of the presentations, including Patricia’s and Emilie’s are available at the following link (in French) : 

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