Results from a study by DREAM collaborators in the Progès Forestier magazine

A text by Emilie Champagne was published in the most recent edition of the Progrès Forestier magazine.

A text by Emilie Champagne was published in the most recent edition of the Progrès Forestier magazine. Titled “Pouvons-nous prédire la susceptibilité au broutement excessif par les herbivores dans un contexte de migration assistée?”, the article is based on the Avis de recherche forestière No. 169, a forest research brief published in December 2021. Progrès Forestier is a magazine that aims to make forest science developments accessible to forest practitioners while promoting best practices and optimal use of wood products to its readership. For more about Emilie’s work on creating an approach to predict susceptibility of seedlings to browsing from herbivores using the chemical profile of the seedling, an article called “Tree assisted migration in a browsed landscape: Can we predict susceptibility to herbivores?” was published in Forest Ecology and Management.