Québec, CA - Réserve faunique de Portneuf

  • Period: 2018-01-01



The Québec component of the DREAM network is based on a large experiment testing in operational silvicultural scenarios including assisted migration. The experimental plantation, established in 2018, is located in the mixedwood temperate forest. On top of providing essential data on survival and growth of nine tree species, this experiment will help determine which seed source to select (e.g. local or more southern), as well the conditions favourising establishment success.

A partnership between the MFFP and the Université Laval, including collaboration with the USDA Forest service, is supported by a Alliance funding from NSERC since 2020. This project will allow us to explore the ecological and sociological aspects of assisted migration.

Project presentation

Description of the project

The Québec component in mixedwood forest is the first implemented of the DREAM network. It is based on a large experiment testing in operational silvicultural scenarios including assisted migration. The experimental plantation, established in 2018, is located in a mixedwood temperate forest.

On top of providing essential data on survival and growth of nine tree species, this experiment will help determine which seed source to select (e.g. local or more southern), as well the conditions favourising establishment success. 

A partnership between the MFFP and the Université Laval, including collaboration with the USDA Forest service, is supported by a Alliance funding from NSERC since 2020. This project will allow us to explore the ecological and sociological aspects of assisted migration in four research axes: 1) Tree vulnerability; 2) Trophic interactions (insects and amphibians); 3) Microbial endophytes; 4) Social acceptability.


Contributions to the project

Such a large project requires the contribution of many people. We would like to acknowledge here those contributions.

Conception of experimental design

Researchers :  Alejandro Royo, Patricia Raymond, Christel Kern, Steven Matthews, Laura Leites, Margot Kaye

Climatic analogues computation

Researchers : Travis Logan (Ouranos) et Catherine Périé (DRF)

Seedling production

Seeds : Fabienne Colas, Anne Savary (Centre de semences forestières de Berthier), Donnie McPhee (National Tree Seed Centre), Greg Adams (J.D. Irving), David Lee (Saratoga Tree Nursery), Don Allen (FW Schumacher), Jeannette Arnold (Ernst’s Conservation Seeds), Alejandro Royo, Jean-Luc Landreville, Hugo Tremblay, Léonie Carignan-Guillemette

Seedling production : Marie-Josée Gilbert, Rémy Thouin, Vladimir Rousse, Anne Déziel (Pépinière forestière de Berthier)

Establishment of the experiment

Operational planning : Yves Gauvreau et Pascale Doyon (Unité de gestion Basse-Mauricie)

Forestry operation : Nikita Touchette (Forex Langlois), Xylobois

Technicians : Éric Saulnier, Gabrielle Tremblay-Brassard, Félix Bouchard, Serge Williams, Frédéric Mireault-Pelchat

Students : Olivier Duperron

Researchers : Alejandro Royo, Daniel Dumais, Emilie Champagne, Patricia Raymond

Measurement of seedlings

Technicians : Éric Saulnier, Gabrielle Tremblay-Brassard, Félix Bouchard, Serge Williams, Étienne Duberger, Pierre-Luc Déchêne, Simon Potvin, Simon Marcouiller

Students : Simon Haché, Claudelle Bourque, Eva Ors, Catherine Ouellet, Mathieu Deblois, Rosalie Jolin, Geneviève Grégoire-Duval


Raymond, Patricia Ownership